OhMyGreenland | Discover Greenland

Tips for the Tour

Photography Tips:

  • Capturing Memories: Bring your camera along to capture the stunning beauty of Nuuk Fjord. Consider bringing a DSLR camera or a high-quality smartphone with a good camera.
  • Perfecting Landscapes: To capture the breathtaking landscapes, consider using a wide-angle lens or the panoramic mode on your camera. Experiment with different angles and compositions.
  • Wildlife Photography: Patience is key when photographing wildlife. Use a telephoto lens to capture close-up shots without disturbing the animals. Be respectful and observe from a safe distance.


You can read our guide on photography in Greenland here

Wildlife Identification:

  • Marine Life: Keep an eye out for magnificent creatures such as humpback whales, seals, and various bird species including puffins and arctic terns. Learn to identify their unique characteristics and behaviors.
  • Land Animals: Greenland is also home to land animals like Arctic foxes and reindeer. Familiarize yourself with their appearance to enhance your wildlife spotting experience.

Navigation and Safety Equipment:

  • Navigating the Waters: Our experienced crew utilizes advanced navigation equipment to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Learn about the navigational tools we employ to guide you safely through the fjord.
  • Safety Measures: Rest assured, we have safety equipment on board, including life jackets and emergency communication devices. Our crew is trained to handle any unforeseen circumstances.

Travel Insurance:

  • Protecting Your Adventure: Prioritize your peace of mind by obtaining travel insurance that covers the activities and destinations you plan to visit. Make sure it includes adequate medical coverage and trip cancellation protection.

Physical Fitness and Comfort:

  • Assessing Physical Requirements: The some of our boat trips involves walking on uneven surfaces and the potential for moderate physical activity. Consider your fitness level and any mobility concerns to ensure a comfortable experience on these tours.

We hope this information helps you to get the most of your boat trip in Greenland. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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